Monday, December 15, 2008

Nothing better than family...

The holidays are the perfect time to get the family together...even when there are so many!!!
Here we are at Paula's Diner enjoying breakfast, all 20 some of us!!

I love this thing....

Trent enjoys some bouncy time in the exersaucer, and he loves it!!!

After all of the fun, it was time to take a break...

Oh, so comfy!!!


John turned the big 4-0 on December 9th and he was surprised to find everyone waiting for him at Uno's to wish him a Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks to everyone that came, it was a fun time...

Daddy turns 40!!

Alexis loves singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles, even if Mommy does not have a "real" birthday cake and candles!!

From the looks of this picture she absolutely loves her daddy (no matter how old he is!!).

Trent's First Santa Visit

Really, Mommy, I am not scared!!

Alexis and Liam at TD Bank

TD Bank has a tree lighting ceremony each year to kick off the holiday season. As you can see they create a wonderful Winter Wonderland for the kids to enjoy! What a great way to get in the Christmas spirit.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Should I be concerned??

Alexis and Dylan sharing a moment!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Palmyra Panthers 90 lb. Champions!!!

What a season it has been and it was worth it when these kids took home the trophy!! They lost only one game all season and defeated Delran in the Championship game.
They were the only Palmyra Pop Warner team to take the Championship. Congratulations!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fun at Lisa's

<= Alexis and Sean rocking away!!

Dylan and Trent lounging together!! =>

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to You!!!

Pop-Pop turns 74!!

After 9 children, 22 Grandchildren (2 grand dogs), 3 Great Grandchildren Pop-Pop has aged gracefully.

Thanks Dad for everyday you give to us and for all of the love you have to offer!! (Sounds like your favorite daughter talking!!)

Happy Birthday and many more!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween Fun!!

October 31st was a great night for Trick or Treatin'!!

Baby Trent was our little "Pea", Alexis was a beautiful Butterly,
and Liam was the cutest Nerd ever!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How well do you know the Kovachs?

Pick a Winner!!

Who is the cutest Phillies Phan?

Phillies Phever!!

Take a look at this Phillies Phan, Wayne Mitchell.
Wayne is my friend, Donovan's son, and he is a cutie!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Feed Me!!!

Trent eats cereal for the first time...

...and loves it!!!

Fall is here...

You know it is fall when Johnson's Farm has hay rides and pumpkin picking. John and I took Alexis and Trent on a hay ride (first time for both) and then picked pumpkins.

Check out Alexis's First Haircut

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let's Go Phillies!!!!

The Phillies are going to the World Series!!!
Trent could not be happier!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Alexis gets her first "Big Girl" hair cut...

Alexis was a trooper getting her first "real" hair cut. We went to Little Kutz in Delran and they were great. She was not too happy about it at first, but did great.
Here she is eating her lollypop after her cut!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We love Julie...

Julie is the best babysitter ever....

Animal Kingdom Zoo - Bordentown

Alexis and I went to the Animal Kingdom Zoo in Bordentown ( and it was such a wonderful day!!
Alexis loved all of the animals and especially loved the giraffes. The day was perfect!

Trent is 3 Months....

Trent had his 3 month check up on 10/8 and weighs 13 lbs, 7.5 oz. He is growing like a weed.
He has started smiling and cooing and is so cute.

Alexis Turns 2!!!

Our little girl turned 2 on September 29th, where has the time gone?
She got so many great presents and had a great party.
Thank you everyone!!!

Trent has many visitors in the hospital...

Mom-Mom, Pop-Pop and Aunt Tara came to see him...

Long Time, No Blog....

Yes, it has been quite some time since I have updated this blog. So many things have happened...
Trent John Kovach was born on July 18th!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Alexis in Story Book Land

Lisa's awesome babysitter took Alexis and her 3 boys (Nicholas, Anthony and Dylan) to Story Book Land on May 29th. Lisa said that they had such a great time and were all very well behaved. Alexis has proved to be quite the lover of the rides...except when she has to get off of them!!

Thanks Lisa for taking Alexis with you!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Come to Acme on Sunday!!

Sunday, May 25th, there will be a fundraiser at Acme in Cinnaminson, NJ for The Ally Christensen Fund. We will be selling raffle tickets for some great prizes and there will be a Moon Bounce for the kids. The weather is going to be great, so come out and support a great cause!!

For more information on The Ally Christensen Fund please enter a comment on this posting with your email address and I will send additional information.

See you Sunday!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Liam at David's 10th Birthday Party

Liam has a great friend from Mt. Laurel, David, that he has stayed in touch with since we moved to Palmyra. For his 10th birthday David's mom surprised him with a limo!! They all took the limo to Dave and Busters in Philadelphia for his birthday party and spent the night at David's. From the looks of it, they had a great time!!!

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