Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jimmy turns 2!!!

Jimmy celebrated his 2nd Birthday and we were all there to enjoy it! Thanks for a great day Jim and Jen!!!

Opening Day for Pal-Riv

Opening Day celebrations took place on Saturday, April 19th. It started with a parade of all Pal-Riv Baseball and Softball teams from Palmyra to Riverton. At Riverton Park there was food, water ice, raffle prizes and much fun to be had!

Pee-Pop's Birthday!!!

The family was all there to celebrate Pee-Pop's (John's Dad) birthday!! There was ice cream cake for everyone.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baseball Begins

The Pal-Riv baseball season is officially underway...even though opening day is this weekend.

Opening day was delayed a week and will take place on Saturday, April 19th. The parade will begin in Palmyra at Legion field at 9:00am and go to Riverton Park. There will be fun and games for the whole family at Riverton Park following the parade. Come out and join the fun.

As for the season, the Pirates (Liam's team) had their first game on April 12th, which was rained out!! There was a game last night against the Cinnaminson Mariners and unfortunately the Pirates did not win. There are many more games in the season and the team looks good!!!

I will be posting the roster shortly. Hope to see you at one of Liam's games.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The saddest words to hear...

...There's no dinner next Tuesday!

Every Tuesday night my parents host dinner at their house. It is somewhat of an open house, no invitation needed, where everyone is invited. You do not even need to be one of my parent's children to come. Everyone just knows that Tuesday nights is dinner at their house. Sometimes there are 20 people, sometimes there are 5 - either way, it is always great.

It has been a tradition that started a few years ago after my father (semi-) retired and decided to take up cooking as a hobby. We are not talking peanut butter and jelly every week either, although it would be fine if we had that too. My dad, and occasionally my mom, makes everything from the appetizers to the salad to the entree and even the dessert!! What makes it even better when someone has a birthday closest to Tuesday they get to choose what they want for dinner AND dessert!! With our family it is unusual that we are not celebrating someone's birthday.

So, just knowing that every Tuesday night you will get an amazing home cooked meal and great company makes it very hard to hear "There is not dinner next Tuesday."

It is a wonderful tradition that will go on for years to come!!

Thanks Mom and Dad!!!

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