Monday, December 15, 2008

Nothing better than family...

The holidays are the perfect time to get the family together...even when there are so many!!!
Here we are at Paula's Diner enjoying breakfast, all 20 some of us!!

I love this thing....

Trent enjoys some bouncy time in the exersaucer, and he loves it!!!

After all of the fun, it was time to take a break...

Oh, so comfy!!!


John turned the big 4-0 on December 9th and he was surprised to find everyone waiting for him at Uno's to wish him a Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks to everyone that came, it was a fun time...

Daddy turns 40!!

Alexis loves singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles, even if Mommy does not have a "real" birthday cake and candles!!

From the looks of this picture she absolutely loves her daddy (no matter how old he is!!).

Trent's First Santa Visit

Really, Mommy, I am not scared!!

Alexis and Liam at TD Bank

TD Bank has a tree lighting ceremony each year to kick off the holiday season. As you can see they create a wonderful Winter Wonderland for the kids to enjoy! What a great way to get in the Christmas spirit.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Should I be concerned??

Alexis and Dylan sharing a moment!!!

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