Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Being a FIGHTER!!!

When I think about the word 'Fight' so many things come to mind. It can have such a negative meaning. You can think about fighting with a spouse or a friend or a family member, which is never fun. You can think about someone getting into a 'fight' at a bar or event, which again is not a fun thing to hear about or witness.

But I had to stop and think about how putting up a 'fight', as hard as it may be, can be so powerful (and exhausting). I think about the 'fight' my sister Christine has been doing for the past 11 years. She has been fighting this horrible disease we know as Cancer. In my family, Cancer is not a bad word. In my family Cancer is on the forefront of our minds along with the long fight that Christine has endured all of these years. I can tell you, it never gets easier with time, as some things do.

With each radiation treatment, experimental treatment, new Chemo treatments, and all of the times having to go to the hospital - it never gets easier. I think sometimes I am being selfish because I am not the one going through this and how dare I get upset or angry. I am not the one FIGHTING!!! If I feel this way I cannot even begin to imagine how she is handling this. I know she puts on a brave face and a smile (most days), but I do know know how she continues to put up the fight. I am so thankful that she does!!

I guess I am writing this on my blog as a means of therapy of sorts, and I apologize if anyone is offended or thinks I should not do this. I want everyone to know how strong Christine is and how much fighting she has done. And everyone needs to know that she is not done fighting.

I also want everyone to know she needs your prayers. Some folks say "I'll say a prayer..." and some folks really do say one. I want everyone to do it. You do not have to get on your knees or anything if you are not comfortable with that, but please out loud when you are alone, out loud ask God to help her. Ask God to help her continue this fight, to beat this horrible disease, and to help her heal. God listens to prayer, I know he does. Even if you are not a true believer in God, please say a prayer anyway, it can only help.

And also know that she does not want pity, this I know for sure. What she needs is support and prayer!! She is a wonderful sister, friend, aunt, daughter, co-worker, supporter and most of all - FIGHTER!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vacation in Cape Coral

Thank you to Linda and Louis for letting us stay
in their house in Cape Coral, Florida. John, the kids and I spent a week in Cape Coral with my parents. We all had such a great time swimming in the pool, going to the beach and just relaxing! We cannot wait to go back again, it is a paradise!!!

Easter '09

Easter was a great day with family and friends!!

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