Monday, May 25, 2009

Small Towns

As I was driving this morning I passed the houses where my childhood friends used to live. Some of those houses are where their parents live today. It got me thinking of my childhood and growing up in a small town. I remember so many things about growing up...sleepovers, pool parties, getting in trouble for so many reasons, sledding on the ramp of route 73, and so much more. I also started thinking about the friends I had when I was younger, too many to mention, but these were the people that influenced my life and who I still think about today. It made me smile thinking that I am still friends with most of those folks (some thanks to Facebook). Thanks for all of the wonderful (and not so wonderful) memories. These are the friends that I have known since kindergarten, some I did not know well until later, but knowing that I have people in my life since I was 6 or 7, makes me feel so good about growing up in a small town.

When I was in college I truly thought I would never come back to Palmyra. It was such a small town and all I could think about was what I needed to do to never go back. The fact that I was only out of Palmyra for the 4 years I was in college and a few years after leads me to believe that small towns have so much to offer. Having a close knit family that is still local helps too!! Sometimes I take it for granted, but not many people can walk to WaWa, the pharmacy, the bar, my parents house or the pizza shop. Liam can walk to baseball practice and to the local fields to meet up with his friends. These are things that I have to stop and think about, and it makes me happy.

I got thinking about Liam and knowing he is now in the midst of where I was when I was 10. He is forming the bonds with friends that will take him through his entire life. I know we all make friends that we have for a lifetime, but there is something different about growing up together and making lifelong memories in a small town. I am happy he is growing up here, getting to experience all of the wonderful things I did when I was growing up. I hope in 30 years or so he can look back and be thankful he grew up in a small town like Palmyra.

So, thank you to all of you that helped me make memories that would be with me forever!!!

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