Saturday, March 29, 2008

Making Paper

Liam attended the Burlington County College Science Fair at BCC on Saturday, March 29th. Him and his partner, Michael, placed 3rd in their age group for their project on making paper. He is part of a club at school called The Young Explorers, an after school program that he attends twice a week. Him and Michael have been working on their paper making project for about 3 weeks. They both put a lot of hard work into their project, and it payed off!! Congratulations Liam and Michael!!

Drawing in the tub...

Have you ever heard of a baby that does not like to get a bath. Well, that baby would be Alexis. For some reason she does not like getting into the bathtub. I have tried everything, or so I thought, to get her to have fun. We tried bubbles, apparently she does not like the feel of them since she always wants to have them washed off. We tried cool toys, not really into them. I tried making the water hotter, colder, no go. Not until, that is, I gave her bath crayons! She loves to use crayons on paper and who knew what a kick she would get from them in the bath. She loves to draw on the sides and bottom of the tub with her red, blue and green bath crayons. She even loves to draw on herself. The only problem now is that she does not want to get out!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring is in the air..

As the Phillies get ready for their home opener on Friday, the Pal Riv Youth AA does the same!! Liam had his first official team practice last night, the Pirates are in action. This was the first time the team met as a group and looks like the other teams will have some competition, I think there was a talent scout out last night. The 9 and 10 year old boys look good!! There was lots of throwing, catching and hitting going on with Coach Hank. Liam had Coach Hank as his football coach two years ago and I am very happy to see he has him for baseball. He takes his team very seriously yet still wants the kids to have fun. He can be tough at times, and I think Liam takes very well to that. I will keep everyone updated on the game schedule when it comes out.

Can't you just smell the peanuts and Cracker Jack?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Home from Alaska

My nephew Mike was home for the weekend from Alaska, where he is stationed with the Army. It was great to have him home again and to enjoy Easter with him. We are all very thankful to him for the courage and honor he has to defend our country. Mike spent some time in Iraq and thankfully will be staying in Alaska for the time being.

Mike, God Bless You!!!

The first time...

I am not very "blog" savvy, but thought this might be a good way to share news and pictures with family and friends. You can all thank my dear friend Anthony for inspiring me to create this blog. Please bear with me as I learn how to make this blog look cool. It is mostly for me to put up pictures of the family and post any news that is happening in our lives.

I am truly blessed with my family, I have a wonderful husband and two amazing kids (with one on the way). With my 8 brothers and sisters and two incredible parents, not to mention my in-laws and sister-in-law and her family, I want to let everyone know how amazing it is to have a this life!

I have some pretty amazing friends too, from many different times in my life. So many people have come in my life and have given me such joy.

I want to be able to keep in touch with everyone and feel connected to them at the same time.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

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