Saturday, March 29, 2008

Drawing in the tub...

Have you ever heard of a baby that does not like to get a bath. Well, that baby would be Alexis. For some reason she does not like getting into the bathtub. I have tried everything, or so I thought, to get her to have fun. We tried bubbles, apparently she does not like the feel of them since she always wants to have them washed off. We tried cool toys, not really into them. I tried making the water hotter, colder, no go. Not until, that is, I gave her bath crayons! She loves to use crayons on paper and who knew what a kick she would get from them in the bath. She loves to draw on the sides and bottom of the tub with her red, blue and green bath crayons. She even loves to draw on herself. The only problem now is that she does not want to get out!!

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